Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In the Midst of...

While everyone is excited for the Olympic...

It felt so long ever since i last posted a new post here...
I had so much to say but i don't know where to start...
Ever since Irene's dad passed away, I felt like life could be so short that we wouldn't know what will happen at the next moment.
It helped me to decide that I'm going back early and spend some time with my close ones.

Like how my sweetheart said, I guess i'm having mood swings.
Having extra time during work, I would read magazines on real life articles that happen around us.
There's so much I learnt that I'm so afraid of the society now.
Call me coward, it does make my skin crawls everytime i remember how one could be such monstrosity or how a little girl who is fading away but had some unfinished business.
It is sad that there are ppl out there who don't even treasure what they have now.
They say,"they know how to appreciate when they lose something";
but I say, Unfortunately not all ppl do appreciate even when they had lose it. Some might not even realized it.

Things happened for a reason.
I believe we have choices. Even if we dont,we still have options!
Whether choices or options, it is still your decision to make how u will be one day and to walk your path!

On the other hand,
I'm coming back home soon!
A month more!
Coming here had make me realized,family is my priority and not the british pounds,not the countryside altho i love them all...but still,its incomparable for my close ones and all the things here..

I'd sent a letter back to sweetheart a month ago!
was afraid he might complain but he didnt;
Instead, he love it :)

Hunney, I know I had missed out so much time that I could spend with you and I'm sorry for not being there this year. I hope my letter will cheer you up a bit as well as a reminder that I haven't forget about you. The love letter was just a part to express how much love we had for each other, a strength for you to go through everyday as well as for me, and to make you smile. I miss your wide smile and laughter! 
But hang on, I'll be back pretty soon. Thank you for all that you had done for me, just to make me happy!
I love you hun!